Sunday, 19 July 2009

Borneo Fest

I'm back home in Sibu!!!!

I came back just in time for the Borneo Fest. For some reason, I'm unable to load any pictures into the computer from my camera. So it's gonna be a photo-less post.

Anyway, like all festivals, there's lots of food involved. My sister was singing in the school choir for the closing ceremony. There were LOTS of people...bla bla was really crowded bla bla bla...

I went there with my mom. We were walking along the stores as if we're dragged by the crowd. Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my butt. Like literally SQUEEZING my butt!!! TAMADE! I would not stand being molested and not do anything.

My instant response...I GRABBED the hand of the offender before he was able to let go of my butt. Then I looked was toddler! A most 5 years old?

Kids nowadays~

Friday, 3 July 2009

I'm a survivor

Yep, I had SWINE FLU a couple of weeks ago!

Signs and symptoms for me include;
fever, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, chills, headache, fatigue and body aches.

But I'm well now! Don't run away from me!!! Really!!! Serious~ I've been proclaimed NON-INFECTIVE by health professionals!
*For those who avoided me...Now I know who my true friends are!LOL*

Honestly I had a rough couple of weeks just right before I caught swine flu. With the exams, then the exam results, friendship, finding a new flat, then suddenly being attacked on my health! It was a huge struggle! In those moments, often I ask...'WHY ME?!?' When I look back now, I feel silly for being so pitiful and hateful of life! Must always look at the bigger picture~ There's always a silver lining behind every dark cloud.

FYI, swine flu is not as scary as it seems! I wouldn't think I had swine flu until my nose and throat swap came back positive. I feel guilty bout contributing to the statistics.

Anyway swine flu is overated. It's been said that it might become the 4th commonest cause of flu. Swine flu is generally widely feared because of it's unpredictable nature. It's unstable and might mutate to something more fatal. I'm not exactly sure of what was written but they were afraid that the virus might somehow mutate with other viruses..imagine a combination of avian flu and swine flu. Then there might just be another outbreak similar to SARS.

Swine flu is not FATAL. I'm alive and well..It's only dangerous to the young, elderly or immunocompromised. I have no idea how I got infected.

But at least I know that I'm now immuned to H1N1 virus! yipee~ HA...I can breath freely without a mask on the plane while going back later this week! Then I can laugh at YOU for laughing at me..when you're suffocating wearing the stupid mask! LOL

I celebrated getting better by REVENGE of coz!
Ate lots of PORK!

To the people I ALMOST infected, SO sorry! I didn't know I had swine flu! But I'm pretty sure I took all the necessary precautions. Do no harm~

If you caught swine flu...don't worry, unless you're very young, very old or immunocompromised. Just take lots of fluids and LOTS of rest. Take some paracetamol. Unless you're VERY CURIOUS, try to avoid taking the nose/throat swap. Terrible feeling! GAGGED!
Some more the swap results only came out after I've recovered. So I wasn't given TAMIFLU.