Sunday, 13 February 2011

Caffeine dependency

Characteristics of dependency
1. Suffer physical withdrawal effects (check)
2. Increasing tolerance (check)
3. Compulsion or craving to take the substance (check)
4. Continued used of substance despite known harmful effects (check)
5. Time dominated to taking or acquiring the substance (? doesn't take too long to acquire caffeine?)
6. Other aspects of life are neglected at the expense of the substance (not really?)
7. Reinstatement after a period of abstinence (never had a period of abstinence)

I think I have caffeine dependency. Just noticed that I'm suffering from some withdrawal symptoms from not taking caffeine especially in the morning after waking up.
Been downing whatever caffeine I can find..even considered caffeine tablets. I'm not a coffee person, so I had to look for alternatives; tea*lots and lots of them*, apples, chocolates*my favourite source of caffeine*, coca-cola, energy drinks...Suggestions welcomed~

I find green tea works a tiny bit better than jasmine tea. hmm...I might be wrong?
I was once told by Fiona that the tea bags release more caffeine with each use. Meaning, use the same tea bag for a couple of times. Well, she's a really smart pharmacist. However, if the fact is not true, it'll still keep you awake cause you'll keep going to the toilet. win-win!

Been having chocolates for breakfast. Actually, been doing that for years!lol~chocolates and combo!awesome~

Been eating lots of walnuts as well. They look like brains..hehe!

Not that it's proven to be brain-food. Placebo effect works well with me~Not forgetting my ginkgo biloba tablets as well.

My life has been taken over by my FINALS! Fingers crossed that it'll really be my final exam..Just wanna pass smoothly~

I deactivated my facebook since Christmas to lessen the distractions (just in case anyone thought that I block them on facebook) , hence the sudden increase in blog posts. Funny how you try to remove one distraction and others keep popping up or are just there to tempt you~

Written papers are this coming Thursday and Friday~
Remember me in your prayers~Please and Thank you!

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